NZFMM 1993 Auckland Convention page 17C
Fell Locomotive by Doug Harris
Three locos can be clearly seen; there is almost certainly a fourth concealed behind the smoke from the rear loco. Otherwise unexplained clouds of steam can be seen to the right and left of this smoke, and seven wagons seem to have been about the maximum between locos. There are about 12 or 13 in this gap. Three special Fell brake vans bring up the rear of the train. Close examination of the rear van shows what looks like a cable stretching downhill. Its purpose is not clear. An earlier photograph that Doug has shows two men sitting on what could be a track maintenance trolley or 'jigger' (hand propelled trolley) close behind the train. They may be inspecting the track or just 'taking the air'. They will certainly scramble inside the brake van as the train approaches the tunnels to avoid the smoke, steam and heat. This would be easy as the train would only be traveling at about 4 miles an hour, a brisk walking pace. Not so lucky were the livestock carried in unprotected open wagons. They were asphyxiated by these fumes, sheep suffering in silence, but sometimes bleeding from the nose after the tunnels, pigs would scream out. Above Photo: Copy from original print in Doug Harris collection. Photographer unknown. |
Side view of Doug Harris's Meccano Fell Engine. |
Original plans for: Fell Engine For Central Rail System, New Zealand Railways |
Part 20