DRC - Direct Reduced Concentrate - The Economic and Green Alternative For Steelmakers



A scrap substitute is needed by steelmakers
 who employ EAF (electric arc furnace) technology.
DRI (direct reduced iron) is not the substitute
DRC is the substitute


DRC - Super Concentrate

DRC Versus DRI in an EAF

    22% Shorter Heat Time
    24% Reduced Power Consumption
    41% Increased Steel Production
    83% Less Slag, Dolomite and Lime
    24% Increased Electrode Life
    9% Increased Steel Yield
    Equal Carbon Content
DRC Versus 75% Scrap 25% DRI in an EAF
    22% Shorter Heat Time
    11% Reduced Power Consumption
    31% Increased Steel Production
    56% Less Slag, Dolomite and Lime
    11% Increased Electrode Life
    1% Increased Steel Yield
    35% Increased Carbon Content

DRC Removes Non-Iron Constituents from the DRI
Suited to Continuous Charging-Uniform Shape and Size
High Bulk Density->4.0 g/cc, Briquet Density-7.0 g/cc
High Grade-97% Iron and ~2.0% Carbon and <2.0% Oxides
DRC is Superior to Steel Scrap or DRI as an EAF Steelmaking Charge
DRC Materially Increases EAF Productivity and Reduces Operating Costs
DRC is a Commodity with a Massive Potential Market
Other than Recycling DRC is the Green Alternative to Steelmaking

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