Meccano Model Images

The images on this page are a subjective collection of images of various Meccano \ Erector models that I like.

The "crane" motor is a surprisingly rugged little motor. This biplane could taxi, take off and land using a 12v train controller. As you can see it too could be a lethal weapon to anyone getting too close. As the local kids would gather round ever closer, its use as a toy sadly had to end.  By Allan Barton from spanner.


Here is model number six from the 4505 box. I have called this a chopper. By Rob Beijersbergen from spanner.  Open roads the great west...

A Ford quadracycle as described in the March MM 1969.  It is not a difficult model and I have made a few small modification.  By Rob Beijersbergen from spanner.

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